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Our service

We’re here to help, before and after your purchase.

Customer Care Centre

Address: 38C Jalan Pemimpin, #01-01, Singapore 577180

Open from Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 5.30pm (Closed on Sat, Sun and PH).

Please note that our Customer Care Centre will open at 10am on 18 Sep 2024 due to internal training. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Customer Care Hotline

Phone: +65 6751 5000

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm (Closed on Sun and PH)

Experience Bosch Logo
Experience Bosch

Discover quality, perfection, and reliability.

Experience Centre

Address: 11 Bishan St 21, #04-02, Bosch Building, Singapore 573943

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (excluding PHs)

Tel: +65 6356 1080
Email: bsh.ec@bshg.com

You are encouraged to make an appointment via email (bsh.ec@bshg.com), stating clearly your preferred date and time of visit within our opening hours, so we may promptly attend to your needs.

The Experience Centre is closed for private events on the following dates:

26 September 2024 (12pm onwards)

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